The quality of the IMP’s seminars, talks and guest lectures are testimony to the institute’s international recognition and academic excellence. Several types of events are held regularly, most notably the Max Birnstiel Lectures and Monday Seminars. In addition, talks at other Vienna BioCenter institutes further enhance academic life at the IMP, creating a stimulating substrate for discussions and exchanging ideas.

The IMP hosts world-class lectures, seminars and other events on a weekly basis that fill the new IMP lecture hall with life and attract attention from far beyond the Vienna Biocenter (VBC).

Almost every day, there will be some high-key lecture or seminar at the Vienna BioCenter. This connects scientists here to a global community, and ensures a constant flow of stimulating ideas into our campus.
Monday Seminars

Every Monday, IMP researchers take their seats in the IMP lecture hall for the Monday Seminar – one hour in which three VBC speakers talk about their research. This provides a unique learning opportunity – one that inspires new ideas and fosters collaboration. With such diverse skills and expertise, IMP’s world-leading researchers and students talk from a broad variety of perspectives, often sparking an “aha” moment or helping their colleagues solve a tricky problem. These seminars are not public and are confined to the VBC community.
Max Birnstiel Lectures

The IMP also invites distinguished speakers from around the world to give “Max Birnstiel Lectures” – regular seminars on hot topics in molecular biology. These lectures, held under the name of the IMP’s founding director, underline the high academic standard and international scope of the science pursued at the Vienna Biocenter. Hearing from exceptional external speakers – among them many Nobel laureates – is inspiring for IMP researchers, enabling them to stay in touch with the latest developments in their fields and beyond.
You can find a directory of all past Max Birnstiel Lectures in the archive; and recordings of many of them under "Max Birnstiel Lectures Videos"
VBC Seminars
The VBC Seminars are a series of talks held approximately weekly at the Vienna Biocenter. They typically feature established scientists affiliated with universities and research institutes from around the world. The VBC Seminars are testimony to both the thriving intellectual life you find locally at the Vienna Biocenter and the international ties it maintains.
Other seminars
Other seminars include impromptu seminars or Vienna BioCenter postdoc seminars. These events, regardless of being organised by IMP staff or in cooperation with other institutes from the Vienna BioCenter, are publically accessible and have contributed to making the IMP lecture hall a hub for Vienna’s life science community.