IMP scientists publish 60 to 90 scientific papers in international peer-review journals every year. This evidence for the productivity and high scientific standard of the IMP is listed here in full – a directory of all scientific publications by IMP scientists since the establishment of the institute, organised by years and research groups.
Challenging the Astral mass analyzer to quantify up to 5,300 proteins per single cell at unseen accuracy to uncover cellular heterogeneity.
Nat Methods.A Multiyear Longitudinal Harmonization Study of Quality Controls in Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Core Facilities.
J Proteome Res.RANK drives structured intestinal epithelial expansion during pregnancy.
Nature. 637(8044):156-166Lineage tracing of Shh+ floor plate cells and dynamics of dorsal-ventral gene expression in the regenerating axolotl spinal cord.
Dev Growth Differ. 66(8):414-425Evolutionary adaptation of an HP1-protein chromodomain integrates chromatin and DNA sequence signals.
Elife. 13Rational correction of pathogenic conformational defects in HTRA1.
Nat Commun. 15(1):5944Proteome-wide non-cleavable crosslink identification with MS Annika 3.0 reveals the structure of the C. elegans Box C/D complex.
Commun Chem. 7(1):300Suppression of toxic transgene expression by optimized artificial miRNAs increases AAV vector yields in HEK-293 cells.
Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 32(3):101280A polarized FGF8 source specifies frontotemporal signatures in spatially oriented cell populations of cortical assembloids.
Nat Methods.Quantitative imaging of loop extruders rebuilding interphase genome architecture after mitosis.
bioRxiv.Convergence of orphan quality control pathways at a ubiquitin chain-elongating ligase
bioRxiv . 10.1101/2024.08.07.607117Increase in ER-mitochondria contacts and mitochondrial fusion are hallmarks of mitochondrial activation during embryogenesis
bioRxiv . 10.1101/2024.06.11.598492v1Gpcpd1-GPC metabolic pathway is dysfunctional in aging and its deficiency severely perturbs glucose metabolism.
Nat Aging. 4(1):80-94Cancer Evolution: A Multifaceted Affair.
Cancer Discov. 14(1):36-48Targeted design of synthetic enhancers for selected tissues in the Drosophila embryo.
Nature. 626(7997):207-211A conserved fertilization complex bridges sperm and egg in vertebrates.
Show Preprint Cell. 187(25):7066-7078.e22Cancer cells impair monocyte-mediated T cell stimulation to evade immunity.
Nature.Transcriptional function of E2A, Ebf1, Pax5, Ikaros and Aiolos analyzed by in vivo acute protein degradation in early B cell development.
Nat Immunol. 25(9):1663-1677Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 evolution by a centralised pipeline and weekly focused sequencing, Austria, January 2021 to March 2023.
Euro Surveill. 29(23)Tumor necrosis factor α promotes clonal dominance of KIT D816V+ cells in mastocytosis: role of survivin and impact on prognosis.
Blood. 143(11):1006-1017Label-Free Sample Preparation for Single-Cell Proteomics.
Methods Mol Biol. 2817:1-7A molecular switch orchestrates the nuclear export of human messenger RNA
BioRxiv.mTOR activity paces human blastocyst stage developmental progression.
Cell.Homo-BacPROTAC-induced degradation of ClpC1 as a strategy against drug-resistant mycobacteria.
Nat Commun. 15(1):2005Alkylamine-tethered molecules recruit FBXO22 for targeted protein degradation.
Nat Commun. 15(1):5409A chromatin code for limb segment identity in axolotl limb regeneration.
Dev Cell. 59(16):2239-2253.e9Mouse neural tube organoids self-organize floorplate through BMP-mediated cluster competition.
Dev Cell. 59(15):1940-1953.e10The molecular mechanisms underpinning maternal mRNA dormancy.
Biochem Soc Trans.eIF4E1b is a non-canonical eIF4E protecting maternal dormant mRNAs.
Show Preprint EMBO Rep. 25(1):404-427Mime-seq 2.0: a method to sequence microRNAs from specific mouse cell types.
EMBO J. 43(12):2506-2525ARID1B controls transcriptional programs of axon projection in an organoid model of the human corpus callosum.
Cell Stem Cell. 31(6):866-885.e14A lyophilized open-source RT-LAMP assay for molecular diagnostics in resource-limited settings
medRxiv. 10.1101/2024.11.19.24317525Micropillar arrays, wide window acquisition and AI-based data analysis improve comprehensiveness in multiple proteomic applications.
Nat Commun. 15(1):1019Proteome-scale tagging and functional screening in mammalian cells by ORFtag.
Nat Methods.Identification of Pathogenic Pathways for Recurrence of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis after Kidney Transplantation.
Diagnostics (Basel). 14(15)Pulling the strings on solid-to-liquid phase transitions in cell collectives.
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 86:102310Sororin is an evolutionary conserved antagonist of WAPL.
Nat Commun. 15(1):4729tRNA expression and modification landscapes, and their dynamics during zebrafish embryo development.
Show Preprint Nucleic Acids Res.Structural basis of human U5 snRNP late biogenesis and recycling.
Nat Struct Mol Biol.Murine neonatal cardiac regeneration depends on Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor signaling.
Sci Rep. 14(1):22661Multiple ubiquitin ligases protect human genome integrity by targeting cancer-associated APOBEC3 deaminases for degradation
bioRxiv . 10.1101/2024.04.23.590688A dual ribosomal system in the zebrafish soma and germline
bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2024.08.29.610041TRIM52 is a primate-specific player in the DNA repair process under tight proteolytic control by a triad of giant E3 ligases
bioRxiv . 10.1101/2024.05.16.594269CRISPR-StAR enables high-resolution genetic screening in complex in vivo models.
Nat Biotechnol.UNC-45 assisted myosin folding depends on a conserved FX3HY motif implicated in Freeman Sheldon Syndrome.
Nat Commun. 15(1):6272Mechanism for the initiation of spliceosome disassembly.
Nature. 632(8024):443-450Zongertinib (BI 1810631), an irreversible HER2 TKI, spares EGFR signaling and improves therapeutic response in preclinical models and patients with HER2-driven cancers.
Cancer Discov.Red2Flpe-SCON: a versatile, multicolor strategy for generating mosaic conditional knockout mice.
Nat Commun. 15(1):4963Egr1 regulates regenerative senescence and cardiac repair.
Nat Cardiovasc Res. 3(8):915-932Frozen in time: analyzing molecular dynamics with time-resolved cryo-EM.
Structure. 31(1):4-19SPOC domain proteins in health and disease.
Genes Dev. 37(5-6):140-170Transcription shapes 3D chromatin organization by interacting with loop extrusion.
Show Preprint Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(11):e2210480120Testing pseudotopological and nontopological models for SMC-driven DNA loop extrusion against roadblock-traversal experiments.
Sci Rep. 13(1):8100Cohesin-mediated DNA loop extrusion resolves sister chromatids in G2 phase.
EMBO J. :e113475Tumor-derived prostaglandin E2 programs cDC1 dysfunction to impair intratumoral orchestration of anti-cancer T cell responses.
Immunity. 56(6):1341-1358.e11SLAMseq resolves the kinetics of maternal and zygotic gene expression during early zebrafish embryogenesis.
Show Preprint Cell Rep. 42(2):112070MS Annika 2.0 Identifies Cross-Linked Peptides in MS2-MS3-Based Workflows at High Sensitivity and Specificity.
J Proteome Res.Time-resolved cryo-EM (TR-EM) analysis of substrate polyubiquitination by the RING E3 anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C).
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 30(11):1663-1674SBNO2 is a critical mediator of STAT3-driven hematological malignancies.
Blood.X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein represents a promising therapeutic target for relapsed/refractory ALL.
EMBO Mol Med. 15(1):e14557An unbiased AAV-STARR-seq screen revealing the enhancer activity map of genomic regions in the mouse brain in vivo.
Sci Rep. 13(1):6745Author Correction: PCYT2-regulated lipid biosynthesis is critical to muscle health and ageing.
Nat Metab.PCYT2-regulated lipid biosynthesis is critical to muscle health and ageing.
Nat Metab. 5(3):495-515A de novo transcription-dependent TAD boundary underpins critical multiway interactions during antibody class switch recombination.
Show Preprint Mol Cell. 83(5):681-697.e7An automated nanowell-array workflow for quantitative multiplexed single-cell proteomics sample preparation at high sensitivity.
Mol Cell Proteomics. :100665MYC determines lineage commitment in kras driven primary liver cancer development.
J Hepatol.CTCF is a DNA-tension-dependent barrier to cohesin-mediated loop extrusion.
Show Preprint Nature. 616(7958):822-827How do molecular motors fold the genome?
Science. 382(6671):646-648Developmental cell fate choice in neural tube progenitors employs two distinct cis-regulatory strategies.
Dev Cell. 58(1):3-17.e8Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) as an auxiliary host factor for RNA viruses.
Life Sci Alliance. 6(7)A phylogenetic profiling approach identifies novel ciliogenesis genes in Drosophila and C. elegans.
EMBO J. :e113616MS Ana: Improving Sensitivity in Peptide Identification with Spectral Library Search.
J Proteome Res. 22(2):462-470ABCC1 and glutathione metabolism limit the efficacy of BCL-2 inhibitors in acute myeloid leukemia.
Nat Commun. 14(1):5709Structural basis for regulation of apoptosis and autophagy by the BIRC6/SMAC complex.
Science. 379(6637):1117-1123Transposon waves at the water-to-land transition.
Curr Opin Genet Dev. 81:102059TurboID-based proteomic profiling of meiotic chromosome axes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Nat Plants.Divergent molecular signatures in fish Bouncer proteins define cross-fertilization boundaries.
Show Preprint Nat Commun. 14(1):3506Essential role of the Pax5 C-terminal domain in controlling B cell commitment and development.
J Exp Med. 220(12)Reply to: Assessment of 3D MINFLUX data for quantitative structural biology in cells.
Nat Methods. 20(1):52-54Generating human blastoids modeling blastocyst-stage embryos and implantation.
Nat Protoc.Enhancers of the PAIR4 regulatory module promote distal VH gene recombination at the Igh locus.
EMBO J. 42(15):e112741Igh and Igk loci use different folding principles for V gene recombination due to distinct chromosomal architectures of pro-B and pre-B cells.
Nat Commun. 14(1):2316Cryo-EM structure of the chain-elongating E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5.
EMBO J. 42(16):e113348Precision RNAi using synthetic shRNAmir target sites.
Elife. 12Clp-targeting BacPROTACs impair mycobacterial proteostasis and survival.
Cell. 186(10):2176-2192.e22A hydraulic feedback loop between mesendoderm cell migration and interstitial fluid relocalization promotes embryonic axis formation in zebrafish.
Dev Cell.Topological morphogenesis of neuroepithelial organoids.
Nat Phys. 19(2):177-183Widespread regulatory specificities between transcriptional co-repressors and enhancers in Drosophila.
Science. 381(6654):198-204Cohesin and CTCF do not assemble TADs in Xenopus sperm and male pronuclei.
Genome Res. 33(12):2094-107Correction: Biallelic PAX5 mutations cause hypogammaglobulinemia, sensorimotor deficits, and autism spectrum disorder.
J Exp Med. 220(1)Chromosome Conformation Capture for Large Genomes.
Methods Mol Biol. 2562:291-318Systematic identification and characterization of repressive domains in Drosophila transcription factors.
EMBO J. 42(3):e112100The NCOR-HDAC3 co-repressive complex modulates the leukemogenic potential of the transcription factor ERG.
Nat Commun. 14(1):5871Evolutionary adaptation of the chromodomain of the HP1-protein Rhino allows the integration of chromatin and DNA sequence signals
Show Preprint BioRxiv.A molecular network of conserved factors keeps ribosomes dormant in the egg.
Show Preprint Nature.Human Papillomavirus 42 Drives Digital Papillary Adenocarcinoma and Elicits a Germ Cell-like Program Conserved in HPV-Positive Cancers.
Cancer Discov. 13(1):70-84Single-cell brain organoid screening identifies developmental defects in autism.
Nature. 621(7978):373-380StarMap: a user-friendly workflow for Rosetta-driven molecular structure refinement.
Nat Protoc. 18(1):239-264Morphogenesis and development of human telencephalic organoids in the absence and presence of exogenous extracellular matrix.
EMBO J. 42(22):e113213Ethyl Cinnamate-Based Tissue Clearing Strategies.
Methods Mol Biol. 2562:123-133Label-free single cell proteomics utilizing ultrafast LC and MS instrumentation: A valuable complementary technique to multiplexing.
Proteomics. :e2200162Improving single cell proteomics experiments: how can we best utilize latest-generation data acquisition and MS instrument architecture?
Expert Rev Proteomics. :1-3Robust and Easy-to-Use One-Pot Workflow for Label-Free Single-Cell Proteomics.
Anal Chem. 95(9):4435-4445Immunopeptidomics in the Era of Single-Cell Proteomics.
Biology (Basel). 12(12)Cooperation between bHLH transcription factors and histones for DNA access.
Nature. 619(7969):385-393Baculovirus Production and Infection in Axolotls.
Methods Mol Biol. 2562:369-387Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion and sister chromatid cohesion by distinct mechanisms.
Mol Cell.CBFA2T3-GLIS2-dependent pediatric acute megakaryoblastic leukemia is driven by GLIS2 and sensitive to navitoclax.
Cell Rep. 42(9):113084Navigation and Use of Custom Tracks within the Axolotl Genome Browser.
Methods Mol Biol. 2562:273-289mRNA recognition and packaging by the human transcription-export complex.
Nature.Shuffled ATG8 interacting motifs form an ancestral bridge between UFMylation and autophagy.
EMBO J. :e112053Enhancers display constrained sequence flexibility and context-specific modulation of motif function.
Genome Res.In vitro modeling of the human dopaminergic system using spatially arranged ventral midbrain-striatum-cortex assembloids.
Nat Methods. 20(12):2034-2047Evolutionary conservation of embryonic DNA methylome remodelling in distantly related teleost species.
Show Preprint Nucleic Acids Res.Multi-chamber cardioids unravel human heart development and cardiac defects.
Cell. 186(25):5587-5605.e27EVI1 drives leukemogenesis through aberrant ERG activation.
Blood. 141(5):453-466SPOP targets the immune transcription factor IRF1 for proteasomal degradation.
Elife. 12HUWE1 controls tristetraprolin proteasomal degradation by regulating its phosphorylation.
Show Preprint Elife. 12Functionally distinct promoter classes initiate transcription via different mechanisms reflected in focused versus dispersed initiation patterns.
EMBO J. :e113519Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis reveals posttranscriptional regulation of ribosomal genes in human brain organoids.
Elife. 12Artificial Insemination in Axolotl.
Methods Mol Biol. 2562:417-423Ascl1 and Ngn2 convert mouse embryonic stem cells to neurons via functionally distinct paths.
Nat Commun. 14(1):5341ZFP462 safeguards neural lineage specification by targeting G9A/GLP-mediated heterochromatin to silence enhancers.
Nat Cell Biol.A High-Sensitivity Low-Nanoflow LC-MS Configuration for High-Throughput Sample-Limited Proteomics.
Anal Chem. 95(51):18673-18678Panoramix SUMOylation on chromatin connects the piRNA pathway to the cellular heterochromatin machinery.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 29(2):130-142The Sperm Protein Spaca6 is Essential for Fertilization in Zebrafish.
Show Preprint Front Cell Dev Biol. 9:806982DNA sequence and chromatin modifiers cooperate to confer epigenetic bistability at imprinting control regions.
Nat Genet.Targeted protein degradation: from small molecules to complex organelles-a Keystone Symposia report.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1510(1):79-99DeepSTARR predicts enhancer activity from DNA sequence and enables the de novo design of synthetic enhancers.
Nat Genet. 54(5):613-624MCM complexes are barriers that restrict cohesin-mediated loop extrusion.
Nature.The Axolotl's journey to the modern molecular era.
Curr Top Dev Biol. 147:631-658Amplification of human interneuron progenitors promotes brain tumors and neurological defects.
Science. 375(6579):eabf5546Canonical Wnt signaling and the regulation of divergent mesenchymal Fgf8 expression in axolotl limb development and regeneration.
Elife. 11The HUSH complex controls brain architecture and protocadherin fidelity.
Sci Adv. 8(44):eabo7247Potent Bactericidal Antimycobacterials Targeting the Chaperone ClpC1 Based on the Depsipeptide Natural Products Ecumicin and Ohmyungsamycin A.
J Med Chem. 65(6):4893-4908Developmental and housekeeping transcriptional programs in Drosophila require distinct chromatin remodelers.
Mol Cell. 82(19):3598-3612.e7Muscles are barely required for the patterning and cell dynamics in axolotl limb regeneration.
Front Genet. 13:1036641NMD is required for timely cell fate transitions by fine-tuning gene expression and regulating translation.
Show Preprint Genes Dev. 36(5-6):348-367Moyamoya disease: diagnosis and interventions.
Lancet Neurol.Dysregulated RNA polyadenylation contributes to metabolic impairment in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Nucleic Acids Res. 50(6):3379-3393The PAX5-JAK2 translocation acts as dual-hit mutation that promotes aggressive B-cell leukemia via nuclear STAT5 activation.
EMBO J. 41(7):e108397Protocol for Human Blastoids Modeling Blastocyst Development and Implantation.
J Vis Exp. (186)Biallelic PAX5 mutations cause hypogammaglobulinemia, sensorimotor deficits, and autism spectrum disorder.
J Exp Med. 219(9)Cryo-EM structure of the plant 26S proteasome.
Plant Commun. 3(3):100310Altered developmental programs and oriented cell divisions lead to bulky bones during salamander limb regeneration.
Nat Commun. 13(1):6949A Rapid, Highly Sensitive and Open-Access SARS-CoV-2 Detection Assay for Laboratory and Home Testing.
Show Preprint Front Mol Biosci. 9:801309Different Gene Sets Are Associated With Azacitidine Response In Vitro Versus in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Patients.
Hemasphere. 6(11):e792Inducible and tissue-specific cell labeling in Cre-ERT2 transgenic Xenopus lines.
Dev Growth Differ. 64(5):243-253Single-cell analyses of axolotl telencephalon organization, neurogenesis, and regeneration.
Science. 377(6610):eabp9262Mimicked synthetic ribosomal protein complex for benchmarking crosslinking mass spectrometry workflows.
Nat Commun. 13(1):3975BacPROTACs mediate targeted protein degradation in bacteria.
Show Preprint Cell. 185(13):2338-2353.e18Nucleome programming is required for the foundation of totipotency in mammalian germline development.
EMBO J. :e110600Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion and sister chromatid cohesion by distinct mechanisms
bioRxiv . 2022.09.23.509019Proteome-scale identification of transcriptional activators in human cells.
Mol Cell. 82(3):497-499Differential cofactor dependencies define distinct types of human enhancers.
Nature. 606(7913):406-413Sperm membrane proteins DCST1 and DCST2 are required for sperm-egg interaction in mice and fish.
Show Preprint Commun Biol. 5(1):332Gene and transgenics nomenclature for the laboratory axolotl-Ambystoma mexicanum.
Dev Dyn. 251(6):913-921Mechanism-based combination therapies for metastatic cancer.
Sci Transl Med. 14(655):eadd0887Tig1 regulates proximo-distal identity during salamander limb regeneration.
Nat Commun. 13(1):1141Positional Memory in Vertebrate Regeneration: A Century's Insights from the Salamander Limb.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 14(6)Urinary Collectrin (TMEM27) as Novel Marker for Acute Kidney Injury.
Life (Basel). 12(9)Cornelia de Lange syndrome mutations in NIPBL can impair cohesin-mediated DNA loop extrusion.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(18):e2201029119Lysosomal enzyme trafficking factor LYSET enables nutritional usage of extracellular proteins.
Science. 378(6615):eabn5637BRD4 degradation blocks expression of MYC and multiple forms of stem cell resistance in Ph+ chronic myeloid leukemia.
Am J Hematol. 97(9):1215-1225DNA replication timing directly regulates the frequency of oncogenic chromosomal translocations.
Science. 377(6612):eabj5502Comprehensive CRISPR-Cas9 screen identifies factors which are important for plasmablast development.
Front Immunol. 13:979606Interferons reshape the 3D conformation and accessibility of macrophage chromatin.
iScience. 25(3):103840The specialist in regeneration-the Axolotl-a suitable model to study bone healing?
NPJ Regen Med. 7(1):35SMC complexes can traverse physical roadblocks bigger than their ring size.
Show Preprint Cell Rep. 41(3):111491Visualizing maturation factor extraction from the nascent ribosome by the AAA-ATPase Drg1.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 29(9):942-953Sororin is an evolutionary conserved antagonist of WAPL
bioRxiv . 2022.10.24.513534Bhlhe40 function in activated B and TFH cells restrains the GC reaction and prevents lymphomagenesis.
J Exp Med. 219(2)An allosteric HTRA1-calpain 2 complex with restricted activation profile.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(14):e2113520119Somatic hypermutation spectra are independent of the local transcriptional and epigenetic landscape
bioRxiv . 2022.05.21.492925Deep Proteome Profiling with Reduced Carryover Using Superficially Porous Microfabricated nanoLC Columns.
Anal Chem.A self-generated Toddler gradient guides mesodermal cell migration.
Show Preprint Sci Adv. 8(37):eadd2488Gruffi: an algorithm for computational removal of stressed cells from brain organoid transcriptomic datasets.
EMBO J. :e111118Structural basis of mRNA maturation: Time to put it together.
Curr Opin Struct Biol. 75:102431Discovery of potent and selective HER2 inhibitors with efficacy against HER2 exon 20 insertion-driven tumors, which preserve wild-type EGFR signaling.
Nat Cancer. 3(7):821-836The Xbp1-regulated transcription factor Mist1 restricts antibody secretion by restraining Blimp1 expression in plasma cells.
Front Immunol. 13:859598SCON-a Short Conditional intrON for conditional knockout with one-step zygote injection.
Show Preprint Exp Mol Med.Deep Single-Shot NanoLC-MS Proteome Profiling with a 1500 Bar UHPLC System, Long Fully Porous Columns, and HRAM MS.
J Proteome Res. 21(10):2545-2551Hierarchical regulation of the resting and activated T cell epigenome by major transcription factor families.
Nat Immunol. 23(1):122-134E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF213 employs a non-canonical zinc finger active site and is allosterically regulated by ATP
bioRxiv. 2021.05.10.443411Gaze mechanisms enabling the detection of faint stars in the night sky.
Eur J Neurosci. 54(4):5357-5367PHF3 regulates neuronal gene expression through the Pol II CTD reader domain SPOC.
Nat Commun. 12(1):6078The oxidoreductase PYROXD1 uses NAD(P)+ as an antioxidant to sustain tRNA ligase activity in pre-tRNA splicing and unfolded protein response.
Mol Cell. 81(12):2520-2532.e16The expression, localisation and interactome of pigeon CRY2.
Sci Rep. 11(1):20293The cellular and signaling dynamics of salamander limb regeneration.
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 73:117-123Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion by a "swing and clamp" mechanism.
Cell. 184(21):5448-5464.e22Functional Analysis of Non-Genetic Resistance to Platinum in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Reveals a Role for the MBD3-NuRD Complex in Resistance Development.
Cancers (Basel). 13(15)Visualization of loop extrusion by DNA nanoscale tracing in single human cells
bioRxiv . 2021.04.12.439407Systematic refinement of gene annotations by parsing mRNA 3' end sequencing datasets.
Methods Enzymol. 655:205-223Cdc4 phospho-degrons allow differential regulation of Ame1CENP-U protein stability across the cell cycle.
Elife. 10Down-regulation of A20 promotes immune escape of lung adenocarcinomas.
Sci Transl Med. 13(601)Zebrafish Ski7 tunes RNA levels during the oocyte-to-embryo transition.
PLoS Genet. 17(2):e1009390Pax5 regulates B cell immunity by promoting PI3K signaling via PTEN down-regulation.
Sci Immunol. 6(61)Quality standards in proteomics research facilities: Common standards and quality procedures are essential for proteomics facilities and their users.
EMBO Rep. 22(6):e52626Comparative proteome signatures of trace samples by multiplexed Data-Independent Acquisition.
Mol Cell Proteomics. :100177Quantitative Accuracy and Precision in Multiplexed Single-Cell Proteomics.
Anal Chem.Spatiotemporal control of cell cycle acceleration during axolotl spinal cord regeneration.
Elife. 10Genome folding through loop extrusion by SMC complexes.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 22(7):445-464AKIRIN2 controls the nuclear import of proteasomes in vertebrates.
Nature. 599(7885):491-496The Fertilization Enigma: How Sperm and Egg Fuse.
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol.Inhibition of CBP synergizes with the RNA-dependent mechanisms of Azacitidine by limiting protein synthesis.
Nat Commun. 12(1):6060MS Amanda 2.0: Advancements in the standalone implementation.
Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 35(11):e9088Ubiquitylation of MYC couples transcription elongation with double-strand break repair at active promoters.
Mol Cell. 81(4):830-844.e13Metabolic regulation by PPARγ is required for IL-33-mediated activation of ILC2s in lung and adipose tissue.
Mucosal Immunol. 14(3):585-593The conserved fertility factor SPACA4/Bouncer has divergent modes of action in vertebrate fertilization.
Show Preprint Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(39)Reciprocal zebrafish-medaka hybrids reveal maternal control of zygotic genome activation timing
bioRxiv . 2021.11.03.467109Limited access to antigen drives generation of early B cell memory while restraining the plasmablast response.
Immunity. 54(9):2005-2023.e10HUWE1 employs a giant substrate-binding ring to feed and regulate its HECT E3 domain.
Nat Chem Biol.Central amygdala circuit dynamics underlying the benzodiazepine anxiolytic effect.
Mol Psychiatry. 26(2):534-544Maternally-inherited anti-sense piRNAs antagonize transposon expression in teleost embryos
bioRxiv . 2021.11.03.467172miR-1 sustains muscle physiology by controlling V-ATPase complex assembly.
Sci Adv. 7(42):eabh1434Acquired resistance to anti-MAPK targeted therapy confers an immune-evasive tumor microenvironment and cross-resistance to immunotherapy in melanoma
Nature Cancer . 2:693–708Acquired resistance to anti-MAPK targeted therapy confers an immune-evasive tumor microenvironment and cross-resistance to immunotherapy in melanoma.
Nat Cancer. 2(7):693-708A crucial role for Jagunal homolog 1 in humoral immunity and antibody glycosylation in mice and humans.
J Exp Med. 218(1)McsB forms a gated kinase chamber to mark aberrant bacterial proteins for degradation.
Show Preprint Elife. 10Cardioids reveal self-organizing principles of human cardiogenesis.
Cell. 184(12):3299-3317.e22Identification of lectin receptors for conserved SARS-CoV-2 glycosylation sites.
EMBO J. :e108375MSX2 safeguards syncytiotrophoblast fate of human trophoblast stem cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(37)Human blastoids model blastocyst development and implantation.
Nature.Head-to-head comparison of direct-input RT-PCR and RT-LAMP against RT-qPCR on extracted RNA for rapid SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics.
medRxiv. 2021.01.19.21250079Concepts and functions of small RNA pathways in C. elegans.
Curr Top Dev Biol. 144:45-89Results of WICOVIR Gargle Pool PCR Testing in German Schools Based on the First 100,000 Tests.
Front Pediatr. 9:721518Organoid modeling of Zika and herpes simplex virus 1 infections reveals virus-specific responses leading to microcephaly.
Cell Stem Cell. 28(8):1362-1379.e7Targeting CD56 with an antibody-drug conjugate in Merkel cell carcinoma.
Br J Dermatol.Fibroblast dedifferentiation as a determinant of successful regeneration.
Dev Cell. 56(10):1541-1551.e6A genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen to identify phagocytosis modulators in monocytic THP-1 cells.
Sci Rep. 11(1):12973Toward whole tissue imaging of axolotl regeneration.
Dev Dyn. 250(6):800-806Cleavable Cross-Linkers and Mass Spectrometry for the Ultimate Task of Profiling Protein-Protein Interaction Networks in Vivo.
J Proteome Res. 20(1):78-93Giant lungfish genome elucidates the conquest of land by vertebrates.
Nature. 590(7845):284-289Substrate-engaged type III secretion system structures reveal gating mechanism for unfolded protein translocation.
Nat Commun. 12(1):1546RANK links thymic regulatory T cells to fetal loss and gestational diabetes in pregnancy.
Nature. 589(7842):442-447Rapid nucleus-scale reorganization of chromatin in neurons enables transcriptional adaptation for memory consolidation.
PLoS One. 16(5):e0244038How DNA loop extrusion mediated by cohesin enables V(D)J recombination.
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 70:75-83DNA replication timing directly regulates the frequency of oncogenic chromosomal translocations
bioRxiv . 2021.05.29.446276A functional LSD1 coregulator screen reveals a novel transcriptional regulatory cascade connecting R-loop homeostasis with epigenetic regulation.
Nucleic Acids Res. 49(8):4350-4370MS Annika: A New Cross-Linking Search Engine.
J Proteome Res. 20(5):2560-2569Structural basis for inhibition of the AAA-ATPase Drg1 by diazaborine.
Nat Commun. 12(1):3483The linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) generates heterotypic ubiquitin chains.
Show Preprint Elife. 10Structure of the peripheral arm of a minimalistic respiratory complex I.
Structure.The giant axolotl genome uncovers the evolution, scaling, and transcriptional control of complex gene loci.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(15)Molecular principles of Piwi-mediated cotranscriptional silencing through the dimeric SFiNX complex.
Genes Dev. 35(5-6):392-409Insights into gene regulation: From regulatory genomic elements to DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions.
Curr Opin Cell Biol. 70:58-66Selective Requirement of MYB for Oncogenic Hyperactivation of a Translocated Enhancer in Leukemia.
Cancer Discov. 11(11):2868-2883Ultrasensitive NanoLC-MS of Subnanogram Protein Samples Using Second Generation Micropillar Array LC Technology with Orbitrap Exploris 480 and FAIMS PRO.
Anal Chem. 93(25):8704-8710Self-organized cell migration across scales - from single cell movement to tissue formation.
Development. 148(7)Isolating live cell clones from barcoded populations using CRISPRa-inducible reporters.
Nat Biotechnol. 39(2):174-178Precision Medicine in Hematology 2021: Definitions, Tools, Perspectives, and Open Questions.
Hemasphere. 5(3):e536Core-binding factor leukemia hijacks the T-cell-prone PU.1 antisense promoter.
Blood. 138(15):1345-1358Caenorhabditis elegans RMI2 functional homolog-2 (RMIF-2) and RMI1 (RMH-1) have both overlapping and distinct meiotic functions within the BTR complex.
PLoS Genet. 17(7):e1009663GSK3-mediated phosphorylation of DEK3 regulates chromatin accessibility and stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.
FEBS J.Central amygdala circuitry modulates nociceptive processing through differential hierarchical interaction with affective network dynamics.
Commun Biol. 4(1):732Sensitivity and specificity of the antigen-based anterior nasal self-testing programme for detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection in schools, Austria, March 2021.
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