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Cryo-EM Symposium

We're delighted to announce the 7th Annual Austrian Cryo-EM (ACE) Symposium, collaboratively organized by the Vienna Biocenter and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA).

This year's symposium aims to explore and celebrate the latest advancements in Cryo-EM research and its impact on biological studies. Our line-up includes international experts, insightful sessions and an interactive poster session. 

Join us as we delve into the future of Cryo-EM, fostering collaboration and inspiring new ideas. We look forward to welcoming you at this year's Austrian Cryo-EM Symposium.

The Symposium is taking place on November 12-13, 2024 at the IMP in Vienna. The event will be held in person.

Online Registration

Abstract Deadline: 10th October 2024
Registration Deadline: 25th October 2024

Participants have the possibility to present a poster and from the submitted abstracts speakers will be selected.

This year's speakers are:

Jack Bravo ISTA, AT
Tanmay Bharat LMB-MRC, UK
Alex de Marco NYCSB, US
Oliver Einsle University of Freiburg, DE
Hauke Hillen UMG, DE
Bronwyn Lucas UC Berkeley, US
Bonnie Murphy MPI Frankfurt, DE
Irma Querques Max Perutz Labs, AT
Kai Zhang Yale University, US

Registration fee:
100 Euro for PhDs/Postdocs Academic
200 Euro Group Leaders/Academic
300 Euro for Industry

Organizing Committee:

Carrie Bernecky (ISTA)
David Haselbach (IMP)
Thomas Heuser (VBCF)
Clemens Plaschka (IMP)
Florian Schur (ISTA)


We have arranged a special conference rate at the Hotel Doppio

Hotel Doppio
Rennweg 99 / Rinnböckstraße 1
1030 Vienna

Price: € 111 per night (single), including breakfast.

To take advantage of the special offer please go to the following site: Hotel Doppio (

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