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News and Media

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15 Dec 2023

How eggs keep their messenger RNAs quiet

Human eggs can remain dormant within ovaries for decades. However, they store all the necessary machinery to launch embryonic development, including...
14 Dec 2023

Four Vienna BioCenter collaborations supported by the Austrian Science Fund

Three Special Research Programs (SFB, for “Spezialforschungsbereich”), including two “Spezialforschungsbereich”) involving IMP group leaders tackling...
12 Dec 2023

Artificial Intelligence cracks code of gene regulation

Organisms are built from thousands of different proteins, each of them encoded by a specific gene. For a cell type to acquire its unique identity,...
11 Dec 2023

New insights into how B cells time the duplication of their genome

In humans, two meters of DNA must be replicated and evenly shared between newly divided cells during every cell cycle. While some regions are...
06 Dec 2023

BIF Fellowship for Emanuele Rovera

Emanuele Rovera, PhD student in the lab of Johannes Zuber, was awarded a competitive fellowship of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds. The fellowship will...
05 Dec 2023

David Haselbach joins EMBO Young Investigator programme

David Haselbach, Technology Platform Head for cryo electron microscopy, was selected by the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) to take...
23 Nov 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant to study how to unlock an immune response in cancer

Immunotherapies that direct the immune system against cancer and targeted therapies that inhibit cancer-causing signalling pathways have...
14 Nov 2023

Lauwers Award for Josef Roehsner

Josef Roehsner, PhD student in the lab of Andrea Pauli, wins this year’s Lauwers Award for his excellent presentation during a Vienna BioCenter Monday...
26 Oct 2023

ERC Synergy Grant to investigate axolotl brain regeneration

The European Research Council (ERC) awarded a Synergy Grant to IMP senior group leader Elly Tanaka and two international collaborators to delve deep...
24 Oct 2023

SWISS BRIDGE Award to support lung cancer research

Cancer is predicted to affect one in three people in their lifetime. While treatment options are growing, widespread tumour resistance to treatment...