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Video tutorial: how to use SLAMseq for profiling transcriptional responses to drugs

29 May 2019

In a new video format, IMP scientist Matthias Muhar explains step by step how SLAMseq can be used to profile cells’ transcriptional responses to drugs. The video tutorial should help first time users of this molecular method to get started.

Early last year, researchers from the labs of Johannes Zuber (IMP) and Stefan Ameres (IMBA) used the innovative "SLAMseq" method to decipher regulatory functions of important cancer genes. SLAMseq allows the direct detection of sudden changes in gene expression and thereby revolutionises the way scientists can investigate effects of genes and drugs.

The paper triggered a wave of enquiries from scientists from around the World. Many people wanted to employ SLAMseq in their own research and approached the authors with specific questions. While the relevant methods were described in detail in the paper, Johannes Zuber realised that there was a need for a more straight-forward, accessible narrative to show how simple and robust SLAMseq is.

To meet this need, the IMP produced a “How to”-video, explaining the method step-by-step. IMP scientist Matthias Muhar, who was a PhD student with Johannes Zuber and first author on the original publication, takes viewers through theory and application of SLAMseq in the simplest terms possible.

The IMP hopes to promote the use of SLAMseq for drug profiling – and to showcase that science can be fun, straight-forward and rewarding.

How to… use SLAMseq for profiling transcriptional responses to drugs