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Jan-Michael Peters elected Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW

15 May 2014

Jan-Michael Peters is one of eight scientists who were recently elected Full Members of the Academy. In addition, 38 associated members were appointed in this year’s election meeting on April 11. The new members will receive their degrees during a public presentation on October 17, 2014.

Jan-Michael Peters is the Scientific Director of the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, Austria. His group is studying the molecular mechanisms of chromosome organization, chromosome segregation and cell division in a variety of model organisms.

Jan-Michael Peters is an author on more than 125 publications and has coordinated several large-scale research projects, including the European Union Intergrated Projects MitoCheck and MitoSys. He has received numerous awards for his scientific achievements, among them the prestigious Wittgenstein Prize by the Austrian Federal Government.